5 Different Ways People Use Cloud Computing

January 25, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from CenturyLink.  Author: Editorial Staff.

The Cloud used to be nothing more than an enigma, a buzz word. Now, the Cloud has made itself a necessity for many people in many different situations. In order to take advantage of all the great advantages of the Cloud, you first need an Internet service to rely on. View CenturyLink deals to find an affordable and fast Internet plan that you can use to access the Cloud.

Using a Cloud service is something that is universal, but also personal. Here are some of the ways that people are taking the Cloud, and using it in a way that suits their specific needs…

1.    Studying. High school students to grad students are all looking for ways to make studying easier. One of the best ways to do that is with the Cloud. Google docs, Google hangouts and platforms like Evernote make it simple for students to share ideas. The Cloud is changing not only how students study, but when.  Students don’t even need to deal with the mess of setting up specific times to meet up. Share notes, mock tests, study guides and more virtually, instead of personally. What makes the Cloud even more beneficial to students is that if you lose your notes or your computer melts down without saving, all the material you need is already stored in the Cloud waiting for you…

2.    Planning.  What do brides, high school seniors and freelancers have in common? They all need to make plans. Wives-to-be use the Cloud to keep track of bridesmaid dress orders, choose a bachelorette party location and list of addresses. High school students are planning for their future, using the Cloud to keep track of college applications, essays and thank you notes for graduation gifts. Freelancers work on their own, and need a place where their work is accessible from anywhere. To plan for the unexpected, the Cloud keeps all your work confined to a place you know you can get to it whenever your client needs. The Cloud is a perfect tool to compile travel information, receipts, and more for when you’re planning the big events in your life.

3.    Internal networking. Businesses are only as strong as their employees. One great way to utilize the Cloud is to strengthen your employee base by sharing projects, ideas and content. Instead of sending email after email, the Cloud is a great opportunity for coworkers to share ideas, brainstorm and eliminate extra steps.

4.    Video calling. More and more, companies are turning to Cloud services for advanced video conferencing. Just like the Cloud makes it easier to share content, video calling makes it easier for lengthy conversations to take place. Businesses that are nationwide, regional or even worldwide use and benefit from the ease of use and quick execution that a Cloud video calling service brings to the table.

5.    Recovering. Technology is a part of daily life, but what about in natural disasters? What happens if during a storm your computer is damaged, or your backup services fail? The Cloud is a great companion through any kind of disaster for anyone. Through any type of storm, the Cloud provides an extra layer of relief, because you know that any documents you saved to the Cloud is intact and ready for you to access.