Are these 8 cloud analytics myths holding you back?

June 12, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from FirstPost. Author: Deepak Ghodke.

Cloud adoption has been rapid in recent years, including in India. More and more businesses are moving critical services to the cloud—including their data. Studies (like this one from Enterprise Management Associates), show that more than half of businesses are partly or fully cloudy when it comes to analytics. That is to say, most of us in business use some or many cloud tools every day to answer questions relevant to our jobs.

But what about the remaining companies? The forty-some percent that are still just getting started moving analytics to the cloud? For those businesses, there might be some myths about the cloud that may be causing undue caution. If you’re still on the fence because of any of the following reasons, you won’t be after learning the facts…

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