Business Agility Through Cloud Computing

July 1, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from Business2Community.  Author: David Grimes.

In so many industries, the pace of business and the intensity of competition translate into a new mandate: be agile. More than ever before, companies need the ability to retool on the fly, respond to competitive threats, pounce on market opportunities, and support shorter product development lifecycles. In most cases these needs can only be met by a correspondingly agile supporting IT infrastructure.

With its self-service, on-demand provisioning of services, pay-as-you-go pricing, and world-class management capabilities, cloud computing can provide the agility that so many businesses require. However, many businesses have concerns. Their data is often – rightfully – regarded as the critical asset to be highly protected, which can create an “anti-cloud” mindset…

Data protection and compliance considerations continue to be major barriers to cloud adoption. But cloud computing also presents an unprecedented opportunity. By eliminating the need for the company to fund, staff, and maintain a massive computing infrastructure, cloud computing lets companies focus their IT resources on value-add functions – the things that create agility. They can focus on analytics, process improvements, and increasing efficiency…

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