Cloud Computing: 2015 Will Be All About Going Web-Scale

December 20, 2014 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from TheVarGuy.  Author: Elliot Markowitz.

Going forward, every company must look at taking whatever IT functions they have—whatever customer communications, whatever support, whatever data access abilities—and bringing them to the Web.  It’s that clear. And the only way for businesses to get there is with the help of solution providers.

SPs need to help their clients bring their business to the Web and into the digital age quickly, or those companies risk being irrelevant.  “The era of Digital Business has arrived, in which successful companies are defined by their ability to respond quickly and effectively to transient business moments,” according to a recent report by Gartner…

“Established approaches to IT infrastructure, operations and software development—still well suited to more traditional back-office applications of IT—simply do not offer the speed, flexibility and scalability needed to enable value creation from business moments,” the research giant said…

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