Cloud Computing: 9 Ways Parallels Access Makes Your iPad Better

August 29, 2013 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from InformationWeek. Author: Thomas Claburn.

Mobile and desktop devices tend to be thought of as distinct things, but the boundaries between them have blurred considerably in recent years. It’s not just that devices can share data through cloud services and can run virtual machines. It’s that we’re starting to treat devices as interfaces for computing, rather than computers themselves. Our devices may be capable of handling local computation, but that’s becoming a separate consideration. Parallels Access, a new app for iPad, exemplifies this trend. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Parallels made a name for itself creating software to let Mac users run Windows.

Access allows iPad users to run applications on remote OS X and Windows computers through Apple’s tablet. Sorry, no Android. There’s plenty of software that provides computer-to-computer remote access, such as Chrome Remote Access, TeamViewer and VNC. And mobile devices can do this too, through apps like LogMeIn Ignition…

What makes Access interesting is the way that it has embraced the iPad experience to operate remote desktop apps. Rather than providing a touch-based window into a mouse-based computer, Access translates iPad interface conventions to more effectively control applications designed for mouse input…

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