Cloud Computing: Amazon offers faster, more flexible database IOPs

September 26, 2012 Off By David

Grazed from GigaOM. Author: Barb Darrow.

Amazon Web Services is adding a flexible IOPS storage option to its Relational Database Service. People setting up new MySQL, Oracle or SQL Server instances can take advantage of the new option now. Later, they can move legacy instances over.

Not all database workloads are created equal. Some high-priority jobs require faster storage input/output operations per second than others. Now Amazon is acknowledging that fact with new provisioned IOPs for its Relational Database Servoce database services…

IOPs are basically the round trips data takes between database and storage. Amazon started offering analogous provisioned IOPS for its Elastic Block Storage (EBS), but is now expanding that capability to all of its supported databases, according to the Amazon Web Services blog. According to the blog:

Effective immediately, you can provision new RDS database instances with 1,000 to 10,000 IOPS, and with 100GB to 1 TB of storage for MySQL and Oracle databases. If you are using SQL Server, the maximum IOPS you can provision is 7,000 IOPS. All other RDS features including Multi-AZ, Read Replicas, and the Virtual Private Cloud, are also supported…

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