Cloud computing: private vs public

June 28, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from ChannelPro.  Author: Edward Jones.

Cloud computing is the latest buzz word in the IT world, but what exactly does it mean for your business? If you’re reading this, chances are that you already know what ‘the cloud’ means and you’re weighing up how best to implement this revolutionary innovation within your business environment.

Depending on a number of different factors within your business, you will either be considering operating a “private cloud” or joining a “public cloud”. This article will help to explain the material differences between these two functionally similar technologies, assess the positive and negative implications of them as solutions within your business, and hopefully bring you to a natural conclusion as to which offers the best platform for your business…


The primary consideration for any business when considering whether a private or public cloud solution is best for them has to be security, and to a lesser degree the element of control.  With a private cloud implementation, the ‘cloud’ network is hosted on your own equipment, within your own datacentre (or wherever your physical servers and networking hardware are located) and as such you have the advantage of total control over all elements of the cloud…

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