Cloud Migration vs. Server Replacement

April 4, 2014 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from Responza. Author: Sunni Campbell.

There are some old servers out there reaching the end of their lifespans and its important to consider the pros and cons of jumping to the cloud instead of performing a one-to-one replacement. Here we investigate some of the exciting benefits of moving to the cloud. We touch on security, backup, maintenance, and technical architecture strategy – major factors that should be contemplated when considering any changes to your IT environment. Here are some starter questions to get you thinking:

• Is your hardware older than five years and out of warranty?
• Do you have many users working remotely either from home or in satellite offices?
• Is your organization changing or growing rapidly?
• What are your security needs?…

Cloud computing has become an increasingly viable option in the last few years as businesses recognize the up-front and long-term costs of full-up server replacement. Let’s look at some of those elements now: Flexibility is one of the key features that often attract a business to the cloud. On-premise storage is expensive to procure and maintain, but cloud-based resources can be scaled up or down quickly and cheaply. Need to add a new user? Instead of worrying about whether your existing email server can handle the load of an additional account, you simply click a button and provision the user account online…

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