Don’t Sink Your Sales, Sync Your Cloud Instead

November 8, 2018 Off By David
Object Storage

Despite having been around for close to two decades and statistics showing that it can positively transform how a business operates, cloud computing is yet to be absorbed fully by the business world today. A significant segment of product and service providers continue to use legacy sales IT systems that are not only difficult to integrate with emerging technologies but also costly to run.

In this article, we describe five key advantages of adopting cloud solutions to boost sales and the overall business process.

Improved customer service

Good customer service is one of the cores of any successful business model. You need to find out what your target customers are yearning for in terms of support and handling and reciprocate by offering better services than your competition. Gather big data on aspects such as customer insights and tastes to be able to provide your consumers with personalized offerings and services.

To make this process more effective, consider using technologies like cloud services to help you get access to real-time customer data for timely actions. For example, you can instantly pull up a particular customer’s sales history or check the status of their order and use this information to offer personalized recommendations or special offers to them. The ultimate goal is to close as many sales as possible before customers hop to your immediate competitor.

Secure transactions

With the advent of digital age came security loopholes that if not properly sealed, give hackers and other criminals the opportunity to potentially wipe away financial accounts and other crucial personal data in a flash. This is one of the main reasons some consumers still fear giving out details of their credit cards online whenever they think of making online purchases.

Luckily, cloud storage, while still having security concerns of its own, is considered to be much safer than data stored on local servers. What’s more, most cloud storage providers use the latest technology to set up preventive and deterrent control measures for data in their possession.

As a sales manager or representative, one of your biggest responsibilities is to try and convince prospective customers that your business employs secure cloud storage for the maximum privacy of their information. This is key in instilling consumer confidence and ultimately boosting sales and business success.

Better decision-making process

When it comes to making sales decision (and decisions for pretty much every other area of a business), big data and cloud computing solutions play such a key role. The two help to provide valuable insights into customer behaviour, preferences, and buying trends. For example, some cloud-based storage solutions such as PieSync integrate different apps to provide you with systematized data and analytics of your customers.

Build action plans and increase efficiencies easily to enable you meet your business goals using this kind of data. For example, you can gather enough information on what to stock and efficient channels through which to push your products and services to your target market.

Effective quality control

The success of a business depends on many small factors among them being the quality of reporting and the channels used for the same. With a cloud-based system, all organizational documents including sales records and customer information are stored in a central place and in a consistent format. This makes it easy to avoid common data risks like mismanagement, inconsistencies, and human error. Additionally, with everyone accessing information from a single point, tracking records of any revisions and updates made to documents becomes much easier.

Cost saving

One of the common reasons small and medium-sized business cite for not switching over to cloud computing is the high setup costs. Sure, the initial capital for this storage method is quite high but the return on investment (ROI) is admirable: if anything, costs go down significantly after the system is up and running.

Worth noting is that most cloud computing services offer pay-as-you-go (PAYG) systems which means you’re charged only for the necessary amount of resources that your business requires at a particular moment. You don’t need to pay for features and services you barely need which results in lower costs and higher ROI in the end.

The best part about this concept is that any time your business grows and needs more resources such as storage and bandwidth, your cloud-computing service updates your infrastructure instantly. This level of flexibility can make such an immense impact in the overall efficiency and profitability of your business as operations continue to run with minimal or no downtimes at all.