Elastifile Releases Qwiklabs Learning Module and Expands Google Cloud Marketplace Offering

November 12, 2018 Off By David
Object Storage

Elastifile, a pioneer of enterprise-grade, scalable file storage for the public cloud, announced the availability of an Elastifile Qwiklabs learning module along with new enhancements to its cutting-edge data management platform.

The Elastifile Qwiklab provides a commitment-free, hands-on introduction to the company’s storage solution and leads users through a guided tour of the Elastifile experience. Any user can easily create and test an Elastifile Cloud File System in minutes, with no prior experience required.

In addition, to further augment the flexibility of its cloud file storage solution, Elastifile has added support for new storage configurations in Google Cloud Marketplace, facilitating fast, cost-effective creation of small storage clusters for any Google Cloud disk type (i.e. Standard persistent disks, SSD persistent disks, Local SSDs). These small clusters can be created with capacities as low as 2.1TB and are ideal for use as Dev/Test environments and for rapid prototyping. With Elastifile’s cloud-native technology delivering elastic cluster scalability, customers can start with a small configuration and then expand capacity dynamically and as storage needs grow. Capacity scaling occurs without any service interruption, thus enabling an easy journey from development to production.

"We are continually enhancing our solution to streamline enterprise adoption of cloud file storage," said Adi Sprachman, Vice President of Product Management at Elastifile. "By enabling smaller storage deployments and introducing a new Qwiklab, we’re now making it easier than ever to get started with Elastifile."

Elastifile is generally available on Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), and bare metal on-premises environments, with Microsoft Azure availability coming soon.