How can Blockchain Improve Cloud Computing?

July 27, 2017 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from Author: Editorial Staff.

There is a growing demand for computing power from scientific communities and industries to run large applications and process huge volumes of data. The computing power to run Big Data application is most often provided by HPC and Cloud infrastructures. Blockchains like Ethereum offer a new approach to run distributed applications.

Ethereum allows programmer to write smart contracts, that is code which is executed on the blockchain virtual machine, whenever some transactions are fired. Thus, the Ethereum blockchain provides a distributed runtime environment with distributed consensus over the execution as well as resiliency. These features are quite unique and the possibilities are yet to be discovered…

In contrast with traditional Cloud computing, blockchains offer very limited computing capacities to run distributed applications: few kb of storage, very inefficient virtual machine and very high latency protocol. Of course blockchain technologies will evolve to overcome some of these issues, but there will be a need to provide additional capacities for the most demanding applications…

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