Segmenting customer databases helps improve email marketing campaigns

April 21, 2011 Off By David
Object Storage
Grazed from Experian QAS.  Author: James Glass.

To get the most out of email marketing campaigns, businesses in New Zealand should make sure they consider who they are sending messages to.

Writing for Fresh Business Thinking, digital director of Blueleaf, Rob Smith said that it is important that firms don’t simply send communications to their full customer email address database.

"Just think for a second. Out of your few thousand people, are they really all meant to get the same message? Do they have the same characteristics, buying patterns or personalities? No they do not, far from it," he wrote.

Instead, he advised segmenting the list into small clusters of like-minded people to ensure that any email marketing messages are well targeted and more likely to get a response.

Exercising good database management is one way for firms to ensure that their email campaigns provide good return on investment, by making sure time and resources are not wasted sending messages to people who are unlikely to act on them.

Clean and verify your email address database to increase campaign ROI.