Top three emerging cloud standards

September 23, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from TechTarget. Author: Tom Noelle.

Information Technology’s great advances — mainframes, minicomputers, personal computers and even virtualization — all developed without significant support of standards. Yet standard APIs, operating systems and middleware seem essential today. Networking followed a similar path, with ad hoc TCP/IP defeating formal international standards like OSI, only to be challenged by software-defined and standards-based networking.

The cloud is the fusion of IT and networking, and it’s fair to ask what role standards will play in its evolution. The scope of cloud standards and the variety of cloud models, however, complicate the topic. The National Institute of Standards and Technology has published an excellent summary of cloud standards that are particularly applicable for the government sector but also valuable to enterprises…

This document is authoritative for many of the details of cloud deployment, but it may not be the best guide in assessing the long-term impact of standards on the cloud. That will require looking at the specific areas where emerging standards and cloud needs intersect…

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