What’s Holding Back Cloud Adoption?

April 14, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from Baseline.  AuthorL Tony Kontzer.

Many company executives would make more use of cloud computing if it were easier to adopt this technology. Recent research from CDW indicates that IT decision-makers are put off by migration and integration challenges, and are relying on financial models that are proving to be inaccurate.

CDW surveyed more than 1,200 IT professionals for its "Cloud 401: Navigating Advanced Topics in Cloud Computing" report, and the findings indicate that respondents would be doing a lot more in the cloud if only vendors could break down some of the barriers that are preventing migrations. More to the point, one of the major promises of the cloud—that it frees up IT resources that could be reallocated to more strategic activities—is proving to be a fantasy…

"Cloud services have such great appeal that departments outside IT are often sourcing them independently," says Stephen Braat, CDW’s vice president of cloud and managed solutions. "But rather than diminishing IT’s role, the data suggests that IT has a more critical role than ever: integrating cloud with traditional services and architecting for reliability and continuity of service, regardless of delivery mode."…

See more at: http://www.baselinemag.com/cloud-computing/slideshows/whats-holding-back-cloud-adoption.html#sthash.UTkO43sA.dpuf